John Boy in Jamison, PA
John Boy

John Boy is one of 6 babies born on May 14 2011. They were surrendered to a pig rescue and brought to Ross Mill Farm. They are Florida ferals and are still pretty shy around people. There are 3 boys and one little girl still available. All of them are altered shots de-wormed and ready for a new home. They are active and fun to have around but must go to a home with plenty of outside space with an warm barn or shed. All of the feral pigs would be considered large.

If you are interested in John Boy please visit our website and complete the application.

If you would like further information you may contact Patti or Susan. Qualified homes must 1) be in a zone friendly community 2)locate a vet that will care for pet pigs 3) own their home.

Additional Photos
Sex: Male Altered: Yes
Age: 12 yrs, 11 mos Lives: Outdoors
Location: Jamison, PA
For more information on this adoptable pet pig, contact:
PPN contact: Ashley
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PPN contact: Susan
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